A few months ago I was given a HUGE jar of junket beads; an eclectic assortment of playful, colourful and innocent beads. Separately they were nothing special, just a collection of cheap plastic and some semi precious stones, but together they were powerful. I was at a loss as to what do to with such a diverse assembly but had thoughts of layers and layers to play with the eye and attract attention. So the Bowerbird Collection was born.

String after string of diverse sizes, distinct shapes and colours that should never normally be seen together. Like the nest of a Bowerbird, the jewellery collection is a carefully chosen medley of found objects. In this case found in a big jar!
These pieces are difinitely a statement and should not be worn by the faint hearted! Someone once said that there is strength in numbers and these numbers are almost overwhelming. I hope you enjoy their playfulness and explosion of colour.
The collection includes necklaces (of various lengths), rings (with amazing crystal hearts), bracelets, earrings and brooches. Wear them by themselves or heap them together!
Fabulous,fun,frivolous and funky.....where is the price?