Monday, May 18, 2009

Resin Mania

I thought I would be great at this blogging thing considering my mind that never stops turning. However a few weeks in and anyone following would fast be becoming anorexic! Nevermind hopefully over the coming weeks I can fill you in.

Lately I have been filling my skills book through various workshops. The first of which was centered on resin and its amazing range of uses. I am not a plastic girl- I love glass, precious stones, wood, pebbles but the man made texture of plastic has never appealed to me. Not anymore! It is relatively easy to work with and the colour range is fantastic. I love being able to create something so quickly and for the first time not being so distraught if it doesn't work first the first time. I like to work with things that are unique and tell a story but these things can safely being suspended in this wonderful substance.

The process is home-friendly so I can easily (and cheaply!) set up to work from my own kitchen. My partner, who is a spray painter, will be utilised in the clean-up and I hate to say it but, he will definitely be able to achieve results I hardly have the patience for!

The above bangle was an experiment with layering colours and has glowing transparent layers and some creamy opaque layers. This is still in its rough form and will hopefully look gorgeous all cleaned up!
So I am looking forward to playing more with resin once I have purchased the mix. I am hoping to create oodles of chunky candy-coloured bangles with treasures floating around the surface. Let me know what you think and if you have any interesting ideas for fillers!