For the first time, Christmas starts to make sense: the snow, ice, red berries, robins, mistle toe! It is a strangely familiar feeling to get rugged up to go christmas shopping, your nose red with the chill. I had a fabulous time laughing and catching up with some of my favourite friends and family in the Northern Hemisphere.
One of my favourite moments being the moment I arrived to meet my gorgeous friend Lisa in Lubeck, Northern Germany. It was freezing, literally. I was in awe of the perfect ting diamond crystals to were covering everything at 11 in the morning or a clear sunny day. While she headed off to university I went about photographing the ice like a madman. I may not have had snow but this icy morning was a real treat. The photo above is Lisi and myself on the beach- quite different to here in OZ but beautiful just the same. We went on a long walk in a slight drizzle, huddling together and sipping fruit tea to keep warm! Lush! More photos coming soon...