Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Christmas in Germany

My last blog was entered just before I left for a month long blitz around the U.A.E, Europe and the UK. So even though I have been on home soil for around 3 months, I still have uploaded any photos (and trust me there are a few!). I guess I have been in holiday mode and now busy with school. So here is very small (very very) taste of my trip.

For the first time, Christmas starts to make sense: the snow, ice, red berries, robins, mistle toe! It is a strangely familiar feeling to get rugged up to go christmas shopping, your nose red with the chill. I had a fabulous time laughing and catching up with some of my favourite friends and family in the Northern Hemisphere.

One of my favourite moments being the moment I arrived to meet my gorgeous friend Lisa in Lubeck, Northern Germany. It was freezing, literally. I was in awe of the perfect ting diamond crystals to were covering everything at 11 in the morning or a clear sunny day. While she headed off to university I went about photographing the ice like a madman. I may not have had snow but this icy morning was a real treat. The photo above is Lisi and myself on the beach- quite different to here in OZ but beautiful just the same. We went on a long walk in a slight drizzle, huddling together and sipping fruit tea to keep warm! Lush! More photos coming soon...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Ring

At the beginning of the year, I was approached by some very good friends who have been in love for a very long time. They were engaged last year and planning a wedding for the end of this one and wanted to know if and how a specific design wedding band could be created. Being the eternal optimist that I am, immediately said I could and would help them out.
6 months later I was feeling very nervous and entirely out of touch with my wax carving skills. But with their confidence and enthusiasm spurring me on, I spent a week at school carving Bryce's family crest out of a small piece of wax with a needle. 2 weeks of building up, carving away and sanding later, the ring complete, the couple happy, the mould was sent away to the very helpful Apecs in Sydney. A couple of days later, it returned and I am still not sure who was happier, Bryce and Tara or myself!
So on the 14th of November 2009, my two very good friends became husband and wife, both sporting some VERY lovely bling. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank-you to Tara and Bryce for having faith in me and listening to my constant worrying. Congratulations!

The lucky groom and I

Thursday, October 29, 2009

'Synthetic Organic'

Two woven copper and perspex neckpieces. These have been designed for the Martin Hanson Memorial Art Awards. I had so much fun creating them and am just a tad enthusiastic about the finished product. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Needs a little love

My partner and I are looking to buy a new house. It will be our first home so obviously we aren't looking for a mansion and are trying to keep our mortgage to a minimum heart attack. Looking in the area we would LOVE to buy in, I stumbled upon this little gem. Photos so tragic they are beautiful. I don't think the rela estate realised they were creating an artwork in their sales pitch. Let me know what you think, I think the picture is gorgeous!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bloom Ring

Something pretty I made in a weaving workshop at the university. I also made a snakes belly necklace that I love. The woven wire feels like it is growing and breathing as you work the strands. Then later as you wear the piece, it feels like it can move and twist like a living thing! This one is sterling silver and 9ct gold.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Naked Ladies

Latest series of paintings. Hung in the restaurant "My Place" on the Gold Coast. Oh I just had so much fun with the colours, shapes and subject matter!

These are my working conditions- I love my chickens but sometimes they are so curious and they LOVE to be close to you!

Friday, July 10, 2009

New York, New York

As the days grow colder I think back to winter in New York and wonder why it never felt quite this cold?! New York is such a beautiful city and I wish I could spend a year just discovering the city and its seasons. That said I am an incredibly lucky little bunny and was still able to experience the city blooming into spring and then later blanketed in icy clean snow. It was amazing to walk through central park on different days and see the transformation! These are some of my images from a joint photography exhibition. Ah Bliss...

Just two days later!